Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What I learned about RSS

In the last class period, I thought that everything we went through was quite interesting. I honestly had never heard of RSS feeds before, and so learning about that was entirely new to me. As I went to different websites, searching for RSS feeds on each one, I came to realize that it's a very useful tool that I might want to use as well. I've always just gone into separate websites when I want to see if there are any updates (and that's when I remember to do it), but now by going to my blog alone (for example), I can be aware of updates that have been made to multiple websites, and all at once! This was an exciting discovery for me, and I plan on using RSS feeds as a teacher, so that I can be well-informed all the time of what new teaching techniques have come up, or even well-informed on what certain children or parents of my students are up to.
I also learned about Delicious and Goodreads, two websites that will be quite important and useful, as I try to also stay updated on the best and/or useful books that I could be utilizing in my classroom. I look forward to learning more as I use each of these book resources.

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