Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What do I know?

As far as my background and experience in technology goes, I've grown up and learned whatever knowledge of technology that my older siblings brought into the home. I remember when I was little, that my older brother would type a lot of things on the massive thing we called a computer, and that I was a little intimidated by it. But then computer manufacturers came up with a bit smaller, more presentable computers, and I decided to try it out. It seemed like such a thing of the future to me. Especially when I started receiving projects in school that required internet research, I was forced to have to learn how to use it. I actually had to take a typing class in seventh grade. It was something that I kind of grasped right away, because I soon became one of the fastest typers in the class. With an increasing amount of projects that required use of technology (aka: scanners, photocopiers, computers, internet), my knowledge increased as well. I wanted to be competent in these things, because I could see that being so would be very helpful in creating and producing high-quality work for myself and others. So as far as background and experience in technology goes, it increased exponentially with each new project in school that came my way and that required more knowledge of me.


  1. First of all, Nat, I love your page setup. :D Secondly, you'll love this class because you'll learn how to do some really cool things to add to your library of experience. :D

  2. great detailed post Nat. I look forward to having you in the class

  3. I think we all learned how to use technology in kind of the same way you described. I'm guessing we will be given many projects in this class that will force us to learn more about technology.
