Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Science/Math Technologies explored

When looking at the simulation resources of science technologies on our class website, I came across what is called a "Virtual Pond". I thought that sounded pretty interesting, so I went into the website to see what it was like. It turned out to be very informative, as there was an image of a jar of pond water, showing the typical organisms that are found in ponds. Any explorer of this, including a child, is able to know the name and function of each microscopic organism by simply clicking on the specific object in the jar. Another link to the "virtual pond" is one called "The Microbe Zoo". This site leads the explorer to discover hidden microbes in the many environments found in a zoo, such as in the dirt, by the animals, in the snack bar, etc. "Cow rumen" and "Poo corner" are two microbes discussed in "Animal Pavilion". This is an entertaining site and very interesting! I enjoyed looking at these sites for sure. :)

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